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The Maritime Taekwondo Union (MTU) is the provincial sport governing body for Taekwondo in our province. Individuals gain membership to the MTU, by joining one of our member clubs. The MTU membership enables anyone interested in Taekwondo to become a fundamental part of our province’s community. Members contribute to the MTU tangentially, by supporting their clubs. 

The goal of the Maritime Taekwondo Union (MTU) is to have a unified society in which all Taekwondo students, instructors, coaches, and officials, unite together under one banner. The MTU is focused on developing Taekwondo as a way of life, martial art and a sport for all who wish to take part in Nova Scotia.

1. Funding.png
2. Tkd Canada.png
3. Int Events.png
4. Insurance.png
5. Sanctioned events.png
6. Equipment.png
7. Team NS.png
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